Ready to enrol in Mondays at 4pm? Term 1 Classes run for 8-weeks starting Monday Feb 3rd. Prefer a different day? Click here.
Dear Casual Job Seekers of Geelong, MoPA would ❤️ to meet you!
If you know someone that might be a great fit at MoPA Geelong, please tag them below (or FWD this post and let us know via PM)... And if your friend ends up joining the team, we’ll happily gift you a free annual membership to say thanks!!
PS. Pic for attention only (is it NOT the cutest pic ever ❤️)
FREE entry for grandparents - Woohoo!! Just two weeks left to celebrate “Forever Young February” @ MoPA!!
Chinese (Traditional):
MoPA 將在二月份舉辦三天的特別活動,和維多利亞州的華人朋友們一起享受語言之美。
2月17日 星期一在 Sandringham
2月19日 星期三在 Thomastown
2月21日 星期五在 Geelong
當天, 我們會換上時髦的中文歌, 一起閱讀中文的兒童讀本,我們要把博物館裡的所有音樂和所有的文字都變成中文。
還有, 千萬別錯過我們的熱舞派對!
如果你喜歡中文這個語言,或者這是你熟悉的文化,不妨在這一天, 帶上你的親朋好友們來拜訪MoPA ,跟著MoPA的哥哥姊姊們一起享受中文的語言薰陶。
當天會有三場活動,位子有限,記得上我們的網站預約買票哦!我們 MoPA見 !
Chinese (Simplified):
2月17日 星期一在 Sandringham
2月19日 星期三在 Thomastown
2月21日 星期五在 Geelong
In February we are going to have some very special days at MoPA to celebrate Victoria’s enormous Chinese community.
Chinese Community Days:
Mon 17th Feb in Sandringham
Wed 19th Feb in Thomastown
Fri 21st Feb in Geelong
We will dance at our dance party to Chinese childrens music, our books will be read in chinese languages, and even our signage will be translated. So if you’d like to get together with other families of the Chinese community, we’ll see you down here at MoPA! We expect these days to be very popular, but we do only have limited space available, so please be sure to jump online and book now to secure your spot. See you all then!
PS - Stay tuned for MORE cultural celebrations at MoPA. Comment below with your ideas and requests!!
x MoPA
…jussst casually droppin’ our new favourite video of 2025!!!
All the beautiful advice (in this video) is FREE… And so too are tickets to MoPA for all grandparents — for all of FEB!! Love you all. x
Mid-Term ART CLASS Enrolments: Now Open!
“This week at MoPA’s AFTERNOON ART CLASSES we learned about Yayoi Kusama. We created spotty mushrooms, met our new teachers, made friends with our classmates, and earned some very special rewards!”
Term 1 runs for 8 weeks, and there is still 7 weeks left - so if you’d like to join the fun mid-term (and pay only for the remaining classes!!) enrolments are now open. Head to or call us on 1800 00 66 72 to learn more!
x MoPA
Grandparents are FREE for FEB!! ❤️
Yep. That’s right. FREE. So what are we waiting for? Let’s get out there and cut some intergeneration shapes on the MoPA D-floor!!
To celebrate the beautiful role grandparents play in our lives and our families, we’ve decided to rename February to “Forever Young February” here at MoPA.
Now… The bouncers are under strict instruction to shuffle all grandparents to the front of the queue - and waive their ticket price... All. February. Long!
Note: We do still require that grandparents book online - but only to help us manage the comfy capacity limitations we maintain at MoPA (ticket prices at the checkout for grandparents are $0).
And so - Meemaw, Nene, Gigi, Glam, Pa, Zayde, Pop, Babu, Grandad, Gramps and Abuelo - we’ll see you ALL on the dance floor at MoPA this FEB, to show these young folk how that chicken dance SHOULD be done! 💃🕺🐔🎉
Term 1 Art Classes start in just 2 weeks (Feb 3rd)!! 🥳
Our Thomastown, Sandringham and Geelong Museum’s ALL still have a handful of spaces left for the Monday and Tuesday afternoon classes. Do NOT miss out - jump onto the website now to secure your enrolment in the 8 week Term 1 program!! 😘
This is going to be FUUUUNNNNN!!!!